Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Double Winged Mush Buster for Casey

Casey originally was interested in the New Double Winged Skate model which would be ideal for better shaped waves or smaller framed riders. Casey is over 6' and 210lbs the faster entry rocker of the Mush Buster is a much more pragmatic shape for waves ridden primarily here So Bay for head/shoulder high and smaller. Speeeeed!


  1. All your boards look really good Wayne. What kind of dims is a 210 lber riding in a MB?

  2. Any design/engineering here that was used because of the rider's weight and size?

    There's quite a few different wing types on this design.

    I mean other than the need/desire to make an awesome looking board.

  3. Hi Jim, as you know, theres no rule of thumb for designs. Casey is in his early 30's rides a 6'6" x 20.75" x 2.8" Grovelor. The Grov works well for waves head high and above, wanted something that would work in weaker shoulder high and below, doesn't like to swim rather have paddling speed and drive with good float.

    Dan, Final spec decision, went 4" smaller, added 1/4" thickness, over an inch in width to the Mush Buster and added smaller double wings to enhance the quad fin placements and to add some pivot off the tail and fins.

  4. gotcha, so the wings will pull the rail line back to get a smaller tail. And, like you said, the double wings help with the quads.

    Would a tri setup work with this? Or would it work against the raison d'etre of the mush buster, to work in less than great south bay conditions.

  5. the fuller and wider tail will add lift and drive but at the cost of losing rotation if no enough rail speed for release. the double wings will help with rotation and pivot. the beefier width/thckness will offset the narrower tail along with the trademark fast entry rocker will still maintain forward drive and speed on the weak stuff.

    Tri fin set up would work well with a double wing. it's more about balance and design and what will function ideal for what the customer is looking for in a design.
