Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Pocket Rocket by Hydroflex for Ed

Eds new Pocket Rocket weighed in at 4.2 lbs! USblanks Orange poly foam density with Hydroflex vacuum bag glassing. :-) Best of both worlds?

Congrats to Ed Santos at Hydroflex Tech placed 3rd this weekend at the NSSA. First time competing on his new Hydroflexed Oak Foils Pocket Rocket. 


  1. what are the dims for this board?
    Does it use the full hydroflex technology? The pump and air cells etc or just their vacuum bagging tech?

  2. dan, sorry, I missed this message posting. both of these boards will not use the pump, the tighter poly cell structure is not conducive to pump.

  3. has this been picked up yet? I'd really like to see one in the flesh.

  4. dan, should be any day. spoke to ed last week and he said it would be done this week sometime. I'll hit you up when it comes in so you can check it.
