Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clark Foam Private Rocker Catalog

I get the occasional request from customers or even other shapers to divulge my rocker specs for my shapes. Nothing personal but, I like to keep my rocker specs "close to my vest". For myself as a shaper I view rockers as a key design element that will make or break a shape, IMHO rockers are the foundation to a successful shape.

The Clark Foam private rocker catalog was considered the bible to the design foundation of modern shapes it is considered the "Holy Grail" of rocker data. This catalog was dated 5/11/05, 7 months prior to the "Black Monday".

This catalog is 116 pages long. Clark only kept rocker specs for a few months, if for some reason the rockers were not used in a few months they got tossed... it was an up to date archive of rockers that were progressing. A huge data base of incremental changes that were constantly evolving.

Clark Foam "Black Monday" 12/05/05 letter. Still unopened... :(

Gordon Clark's classic yearly diatribe. These were some gems, couldn't wait to read them. Introspects of an eccentric fella, God speed


  1. woahhhh!! the holy grail... does exit

  2. yes it should exit right into the round file. for some reason I can't get myself to toss it... too many great memories of early shapes.

  3. oh crap someday that will be a greater discovery than the rosetta stone! Awesome post wayne

    1. yeah it is like the rosetta stone. it's kinda cool to try and decipher the code. ;-)

  4. I would love to read his analysis as well

    1. sure feel free to stop by anytime!

    2. i would love to have a peak at that too...sounds fascinating

    3. hugh, remind me next week when you pick up your board. funny since I posted this I got a few requests to view this report. someone mentioned that there is a pdf floating around on the interweb somewhere.
