Wednesday, August 1, 2012

OAKSTOCK 2012 / Pilgrimage of the foil 8/19/12

OAKSTOCK logo tweak by Dan Lavender

OAKSTOCK 2012 / Pilgramige of the foil 8/19/12
Thanks to Dan and Kelly for initiating this gathering!

We are having a gathering of the tribe! Bring your board down, share your ride with others if you feel inclined or, just share your Oak Foils experience. Everyone is invited! I will have some T's printed in very small quantities, first dozen people will get theirs free! I'll have a few extras for sale but quantities and sizes will be very limited at this time if you would like to purchase one leave your name and size here on this blog and I will custom order as needed.


  1. YES! so awesome! classy additions to the rootz n branches logo - very good work dan. pilgrimage of the foil ! starts at dawn at marine st, MB. xtra parking at 26th st lot (meters) & grandview elementary school (free) up the street. bring all your foils! hopefully we will have donuts 4 da boys yeeew

    1. parking around Marine St. can be limited. you can drop off your sticks at the bottom of the Marine loop before parking. valet parking will be available. not.

  2. I would like one if possible!! wish I could be there...

  3. Whoo hooo. This should be a last. I will finally be able to put faces to the names of all the nice boards I have been seeing on the blog.

    Can you save me a t-shirt in XL?


  4. whoops, did my comment not post? i'm super bummed i can't make it and bring my board. have fun, i'll be far away so maybe the waves will be banging for you all.

    1. grace, if your ears are ringing you have tinnitus. :) we'll catch a few for you! hopefully we'll have some swells.

  5. I'm setting up my tent now to ensure I'm front of the line!


    1. we will have a yacht with a vip lounge for the high rollers. :-)

  6. Nice! Thanks Jeff, Be on the look out for a red and white State Farm umbrella! ;-)

  7. Oh yeah!!! Ill be there for sure w my 2 Oaks for all to try! Large T for me kind sir.


  8. Wayne, this is Jeff Ponce. I will be there to I come dawn patrol! Heh...
